實驗室宗旨:一、 厚實人因理論基礎,探索建構駕駛心理與行為模式。二、創新介面優使設計,輔助提升行車用路安全與效率。三、 關懷高齡弱勢族群,促進交通安全與生活便利福祉。  


一、 學術期刊論文
1. Chin-Hsien Lin, Yang-Kun Ou, Ruey-Meei Wu, Yung-Ching Liu, Predictors of Road Crossing Safety in Pedestrians with Parkinson’s Disease. Accident Analysis and Prevention.
2. Ja-Chih Fu, Chen-Chiang Lin, Chih-Nan Wang and Yang-Kun Ou. Computer Aided Diagnosis for Knee Meniscus Tears in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers. 
3. Yang-Kun Ou, Yung-Ching Liu, Feng-Yuan Shih, Risk prediction model for drivers’ in-vehicle activities–Application of task analysis and back-propagation neural network. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 
4 Yang-Kun Ou and Yung-Ching Liu, 2012. Effects of sign design features and training on comprehension of traffic signs in Taiwanese and Vietnamese user groups. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Vol.42, No.1, 1-7. (SCI, SSCI)
5. Chen-Chiang Lin, Shier-Chieg Huang, Yang-Kun Ou, Yung-Ching Liu, Ching-Mei Tsai, Hsin-Hui Chan, Chen-Ti Wang, 2012. Survival of patients over 80 years of age after Austin-Moore hemiarthroplasty and bipolar hemiarthroplasty for femoral neck fractures. Asian Journal of Surgery, Vol.35, 62-66. (SCI)
6. Ja-Chih Fu, Chen-Chiang Lin, Yang-Kun Ou, Chih-Nan Wang and Ping-Feng Pai, 2012. Image enhancement of shoulder magnetic resonance imaging in rotator cuff injury diagnosis. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers. Vol.29, No.2, 87-97. (TSSCI, EI)
7. 柳永青、歐陽昆,2012,比較飲酒與手機對駕駛行為之影響,人因工程學刊,Vol.14, No.1, 49-61.
8. Yang-Kun Ou and Yung-Ching Liu, 2011. Effects of Sign Design Features and Training on Comprehension of Traffic Signs in Taiwanese and Vietnamese User Groups. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. (SCI, SSCI)
9. Chen-Chiang Lin, Yang-Kun Ou, Shyh-Huei Chen, Yung-Ching Liu, Jinn Lin, 2010, Comparison of artificial neural network and logistic regression models for predicting mortality in elderly patients with hip fracture, Injury 41, 869–873.(SCI)
10. Wurong Shih, and Yang-Kun Ou, 2007, The Development of A Web-Based System Solving the Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem of Fixed-Route Trucking Carriers, International Journal of Electronic Business Management, Vol.5, No.4, 301-309.(EI)
1. Under review: Chen-Chiang Lin, Yang-Kun Ou*, Jachih Fu. Image Enhancement, Feature Extraction, and Classification in Supraspinatus Magnetic Resonance Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
2. Under review: Yung-Ching Liu, Yang-Kun Ou, Sung-Nung Lin, Chen-Wen Fang. Comparison study of north-up and track-up electronic maps with and without landmarks on the wayfinding performance of mild Alzheimer's disease patients. Journal of experimental psychology –Applied.
3. Under review: Chen-Wen Fang, Chin-Hsien Lin, Yang-Kun Ou, Yung-Ching Liu. Differences in road-crossing decisions between normal aged subjects and patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer's disease and associated disorders.
二、 研討會論文
1. 歐陽昆、林松農、方禎文、柳永青,2012,輕度阿茲海默症患者尋路導航介面評估:電子地圖導向與地標之影響,2012工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會,彰化,大葉大學,pp.7.(論文競賽優勝)
2. Yang-Kun Ou, Chen-Wen Fang, Yung-Ching Liu, 2012. A simulated road crossing study in elders with mild Alzheimer disease. IE&EM 2012. 2012/10/27, ChangSha, China, pp.5.
3. Yang-Kun Ou, Jachih Fu, Chen-Chiang Lin, 2012. Computer aided detection of supraspinatus muscle injuries in magnetic resonance imaging. CVGIP 2012, 2012/08/12, Taichung, pp.7.
4. Yang-Kun Ou, Chin-Hsien Lin, Yung-Ching Liu, 2012. A comparison study of the effects on road crossing behavior between normal and Parkinson disease. AHFE 2012, 2012/07/21, San Francisco, CA, pp.8.
5. 歐陽昆、柳永青,2012,不同年齡族群駕駛者使用車內無線通訊系統之行為與績效差異,第19屆人因工程年會暨學術研討會,2012/3/24,高雄,國立高雄第一科技大學,pp.8。
6. 歐陽昆、陳敏生,2011,跨感官知覺的負向促發與干擾,中國工業工程學會100年度年會暨學術研討會,2011/12/10,新竹,明新科技大學,pp.5。
7. 歐陽昆、林鎮江、王志男、白炳豐、傅家啟,2011,磁振造影棘上肌電腦輔助診斷系統,十七屆資訊管理暨實務研討會,2011/12/10,台南,嘉南藥理科技大學,pp.12。
8. 柳永青、歐陽昆,2011,應用駕駛模擬器探討駕駛中使用手機與酒後駕駛之差異,第18屆人因工程年會暨學術研討會,2011/3/26,台中,中山醫學大學,pp.7。
9. 歐陽昆、陳敏生、柳永青,2010,2D/3D導航介面設計對駕駛績效之影響,中國工業工程學會九十九年度年會暨學術研討會,2010/12/25,台南,南台科技大學,pp.6。(論文競賽優勝)
10. Jing-Wun Jhuang, Yung-Ching Liu, Yang-Kun Ou, 2010. A comparison study of five in-vehicle warning information displays with or without spatial compatibility. IEEM2010, Macau, pp.5.
11. Yang-Kun Ou, Chen-Chiang Lin, Shyh-Huei Chen, and Yung-Ching Liu, 2009, A comparison study of predictive models to elderly hip fracture surgery based on clinical data. APIEMS 2009, 2009/12/14-16, Kitakyushu, pp.5.
12. 歐陽昆、林秀芸、魏孟瑩、柳永青,2009,情緒對駕駛行為績效之影響,中國工業工程學會九十八年度年會暨學術研討會,2009/12/12,台中,逢甲大學。
13. Yang-Kun Ou, and Yung-Ching Liu, 2008, Effects of Design Feature and Training on Traffic Sign Comprehension between Different User Groups.IEA 2009, 2009/08/09-14, Beiliing, pp.5.
14. Ying-Chan Tung, Yung-Ching Liu, and Yang-Kun Ou, 2008, The pedestrian road-crossing behaviors between older and younger age groups. APIEMS 2008, 2008/12/03-05, Bali, pp.6.
15. 歐陽昆、莊靖玟、陳敏生,2008,應用動態換盲方式探討不同分心因素對駕駛者察覺道路狀況之研究,中國工業工程學會九十七年度年會暨學術研討會,台北,聖約翰科技大學。
16. 施武榮,蔣少偉,歐陽昆,2007,線上型派車系統應用於路線貨運業車輛派遣作業,2007年產學合作產業電子化研討會,2007/12/21,台北,台大集思會議中心。
17. Wurong Shih, Shu-Ling Chen, Yang-Kun Ou,and Mau-Kai Jhuang, 2005, Distribution expert-the vehicle routing system in a less-then truckload transportation industry, international symposium on knowledge-based economy & glogal management, 119-124.
18. 王惠森、歐陽昆、劉智維,2004,雙相不銹鋼焊接雛型專家系統設計與開發,中華民國焊接協會93年會員大會暨論文發表會,2004/10/15,台北,北台科學技術學院。



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